Club Membership
The club's membership system is now live on a new website, www.foireann.ie. Use of this platform will facilitate online payment and remove the need for registration nights, which are not possible due to present restrictions. Membership is mandatory for insurance purposes.
To register, please log on to foireann.ie and set up your account. Please note that this is the same website that was used for log-in last year to confirm Covid status before training and matches, so if you are already registered for that, the same log in details will be attached. If not, you will need to register with the details required, plus specifying your club as Enniscrone/Kilglass.
Once inside the system, you can navigate to the membership tab on the left-hand side of your screen. There, you will be presented with a suite of options. The membership rates for this year are:
Playing adult: €100
Non-playing adult: €75
Student (17 and over): €60
Youth (U-8 to U-17): €60
U-7 player: €30
Family: €200
Friends of Enniscrone/Kilglass (overseas/country membership): €50
There are discounts for second child, third child and so on as evident on screen. While some membership fees have been increased, this is reflective of a general rise in costs in maintaining and improving our facilities in recent years. It is the first time in a decade or so that membership rates have been changed.
Anyone with any issues with the registration or logging in process, please feel free to get in touch via text with Clair Beglin Duffy (087) 967 9707.
Your continued support of the club is greatly appreciated.
